As a Trustees of Chandralop Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, we are pleased to welcome you at the website of the Aurangabad College of Engineering--ACE. Within this website, you will find useful and valuable information about ACE, our courses and our plans to build a student-centred academic institute. Academic discipline, innovative practices in the laboratory and workshop learning, project based subject learning, mock examinations, tutorials, activities for life skills, Industrial Institute relationship programs, training for facing interviews, personality development programs and to actively participate in the various technical festivals, seminars, conferences etc., that will be the prominent feathers of ACE.
Everaging the commercial and industrial activities in the surroundings region, the Institution will seek to build an innovative and productive platforms between its academic programs and industry from the area in order to harness the synergies therein most efficiently.
As a student at ACE you would have more choices other than regular syllabus and also more responsibility for making decisions. In other words, the experience is rather like that of technopreneur, coupled with the values of life.
The students of each course will have their own association to guide them in building their awareness through their representations in co-curriculum activities such as Seminar, Conventions, Technical Contests, Expert lectures, Industrial Visits, Industry -Institute Interaction and other Extra-Curricular Activities.
The Institution has an independent Training and Placement cell with representatives from each department to take care of the student’s practical training and placements including the necessary career guidance.
Finally, we would like to extend my gratitude and am delighted that you are exploring what ACE has to offer to its prospective students. As your study destination, we believe that our combination of well experienced management, faculty and staff will have significant contribution to reach to the pinnacle of your prospective career.
We wish you every success. Yours Sincerely,
Chandralop Shikshan Prasarak Mandal